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The IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) standardizes ground handling processes and procedures to reduce the complexity between working with multiple airlines, airports and ground service providers.

Standardizing ground and ramp operations for airlines can help drive down costs, reduce the risk of aircraft damages and simplify training requirements. The IGOM has also been known as an acceptable means of compliance for a reference tool for ISAGO audits.

ISAGO Checklist


The ISAGO Checklist is complementary to the IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM). It is a straightforward tool for assessing compliance with ground handling standards, derived from key industry manuals. It promotes standardization, reducing the need for extensive audits by providing clear benchmarks and verifying adherence to established guidelines.

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If you are new to the IGOM, all versions are updated annually. Digital products come with automatic updates for the year and a search function that makes finding current information easy. Plus, it's cheaper.

Note: The IATA Ground Operations Manual is a complementary manual to the Airport Handling Manual (AHM). The IGOM is procedure driven, focusing on “how to ​​do”. The AHM is policy driven and focuses on “what to do”​​​​​​​.

Industry stakeholders expressed the need for a reliable, stable, and globally accepted publication, updated with considerations for the peak summer operational season to allow sufficient implementation time. As a result, the IGOM Edition 13 (issued January 2024) is effective from April 2024 to December 2025. The IGOM Edition 14 will be released mid-2025 and will be effective from January 2026 to December 2026.

What's inside the IGOM

  • Chapter 1 – Passenger handling procedures (passenger departure, passenger security, passenger arrival, transfer and transit)
  • Chapter 2 – Baggage handling procedures (cabin baggage, checked baggage, offloading of checked baggage, mishandled or unclaimed baggage)
  • Chapter 3 – Aircraft general safety/servicing operations (ramp safety in aircraft handling, safety during fueling/defueling, adverse weather conditions, hand signals)
  • Chapter 4 – Aircraft turn-around (aircraft arrival, aircraft doors, aircraft departure, aircraft towing)
  • Chapter 5 – Load control (load control principles, regulatory requirements, qualification requirements, documentation)
  • Chapter 6 – Airside safety operational oversight (turnaround coordination/supervision requirements, reporting-incidents, accidents and near-misses, airside safety investigation procedure, emergency response procedures)

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The key changes in IGOM edition13th include:

  • Introduction – 4.3 Risk Assessment – Risk assessment has been done for all the procedures of IGOM chapter 1 and chapter 2 and safety critical procedures are identified for passenger handling and baggage handling. In addition, risk assessment of chapter 3 and chapter 4 are also reviewed to ensure safety critical procedures are valid and news risks, if any are identified to ensure safe ground operations.
  • Introduction – 4.3.2 Risk Assessment Table – All the safety critical procedures identified or revised in IGOM are summarized in the risk assessment table chapter wise and based on risk rating.
  • Introduction - IGOM adoption policy has been revised to provide more clarity on variation to the Airlines/GHSPs when conducting the IGOM gap analysis between IGOM and their manuals.
  • Chapter 3 - 1.3.2 Basic Operating Requirements for Ground Support No touch policy reviewed and reworded to ensure better understanding when positioning GSE to the aircraft. 3.1.4 Fire - New subsection on fire prevention and protection has been added to ensure personnel working in operations are aware of fire hazards and know what actions to be taken in such event. In addition, minor revision has been done in the chapter to provide more clarity and better understanding to the frontline personnel.
  •  Chapter 4 - 4.1.1 Actions Prior to Aircraft Arrival – To ensure all personnel engaged in aircraft handling have similar understanding the briefing process has been added and re-enforced.5.1.6 Actions Prior to Loading – Loading supervision tasks has been added to ensure tasks related to loads are protected from adverse weather, no contamination and special equipment’s/ULDs are organized. For bulk load visual inspection process has been added. Connecting Pushback/TWL Tractor – Chocking option under notes reworded for better understanding. Engine Start Using an Air Start Unit – ASU positioning and connection has been elaborated to avoid aircraft damage and personal injury. Pre-Towing Preparation and 4.9.6. Towing Completion – Both the tables has been amended to reflect clear task of brake operator and tractor driver. Additionally minor revision or rewording has been done in the chapter to ensure procedures are clear and safe for ground operations.