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ACMG is an IATA program open to all airlines interested in sharing best practices on airline cost management, and contributing key operational indicators and cost drivers into IATA’s industry BI platform, for effective cost benchmarking.
ACMG’s ultimate goal is to foster airlines’ financial health, through cost efficiencies and foster sustainable practices. ACMG counts with the active support and participation from over 40 airlines worldwide.
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ACMG goals
- Address industry wide solutions for effective cost management and operational performance common to all carriers.
- Provide each participating airline with unique performance indicators by fleet type, directly sourced from airlines in the program.
- Maintain a global data repository with latest cost benchmarks across all areas of activity within an airline.
- Collaborate with partners in the analysis of key trends in the industry.
Benefits for airlines
- ACMG is a unique opportunity for airlines to exchange, within appropriate safeguards, cost related industry experience, relevant trend information, new developments, and best practices, as well as an opportunity to network with their cost management counterparts in all airline operations areas.
- Participants will receive access to more than 70 annual benchmark charts highlighting industry trends, providing benchmark cost information, and enabling airlines to compare their performances with the industry and peer group airlines.
- Maintaining the confidentiality of all the data is guaranteed. All the data submitted to IATA is de-identified or published as aggregated information.
- A personalized ACMG BI Tool for each carrier and the ACMG Annual Report will be made available to all participating airlines.
- All participants are invited to join our annual events.
The ACMG Data Collection 2023 (FY2022) is now open!
An ACMG Airline Participation Package 2023 is required to submit your company data and participate in the program, please contact us and our team will guide you through the process. The toolset includes the Terms of participation document, the Definitions and Instructions manual as well as the Data Collection Form 2023. This toolset is available to airlines only and can be requested by contacting us.
New to ACMG? We have additional resources for you
- Learn about ACMG BI Web Tool in this webcast recording.
- Learn about BI Tool basic functionalities in ACMG BI Web Tool video.
Launch Data Collection May 2023
- Airline Data Submission: From 15 May to 31 July
- Airlines provide data for reporting period: Full Year 2022.
ACMG Benchmarks 2022 release: September 2023
- IATA processes & discloses anonymized KPIs.
ACMG Annual Report 2022: November 2023
- Analysis includes information from Airlines reporting before the deadline. Late carriers may not be considered.
Cost Optimization at your fingertips
The ACMG Program is the Industry source for accurate benchmarking of aircraft performance, labor productivity and operational indicators with unique granularity, aimed to improve airlines financial health through enhancing and supporting the critical decision making and continuous improvement processes.
The program is open to all airlines, including cargo, charter and low cost carriers. Participation if free of cost to airlines and is granted on a give to get basis. Airlines that contribute their data will have access to the benchmarks upon release.
ACMG Customized Reporting
Looking for a reliable source of cost performance operations by aircraft types?
ACMG holds a comprehensive bank of reliable operational indicators. Customized analytical reports are available upon request. Please contact us for more information.
Steering Committee (SC)
- The IATA ACMG Program counts with the active participation of the ACMG Airline Steering Group representing all participating airlines.
- Up to 12 airlines can join the Steering Group, and the seats rotate every two years. The group elects a Chairman and Vice Chairman in the same period.
- Typically, the SC is having monthly calls in addition to onsite meetings twice a year. Please contact us if you would like to receive more information about the SC.