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18 March 2024

Luxair and Air Arabia Become the First Two Airlines to Sign on to IATA’s Schedule Data Exchange Program

Launched in October last year, the IATA Schedule Data Exchange Program foresees the creation of an industry-owned and controlled schedule and Minimum Connection Time (MCT) database. Based on the give-to-get model, airlines contributing their schedule, capacity, and MCT data will have access to the newly created IATA schedule database.

The IATA Schedule Data Exchange Program will provide airlines with more control over their schedule, capacity, and MCT data. While not aimed at replacing or creating a schedule distribution service, the program is a viable alternative schedule database that offers security and reliability and ensures that airlines can continue their strategic and tactical operations seamlessly, even in unforeseen circumstances. The initiative will also support IATA in its role as the provider of industry products and services which consume data provided by this new program.

The program is offered at no cost to contributing airlines and is open to all airlines, both members and non-members. More than 60 airlines have already signed a letter of intent expressing their interest.

> Find out more about IATA's Schedule Data Exchange Program

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