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Cabin safety is a key area impacting operational safety. Historically, the safety role of cabin crew was seen as limited to post-accident evacuations. Although this remains an important and essential duty of cabin crew, today the safety role of cabin crew goes much further.

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Cabin crew contribute to safe, effective, and efficient operations in normal, abnormal, and emergency situations. They play an important role in preventing serious incidents and accidents, including (but not limited to) events such as in-flight fires, unruly passengers, depressurization, and turbulence. It is for this reason that IATA focuses on cabin safety and continues to develop standards and recommended practices to ensure safety in all aspects of cabin operations.

IATA’s Cabin Operations Safety Best Practices Guide provides a central reference source for industry best practices, sample policies and procedures as well as recommended practices and regulations such as ICAO's Annex 6 relating to the delivery of safe and efficient cabin operations. This guide contains valuable benchmarks for airline management to use when establishing their corporate policies, procedures, and training programs for cabin crew.

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What’s inside the Cabin Operations Safety Best Practices Guide?

IATA works with operators, manufacturers, and other industry partners to raise global safety standards and promote the implementation of best practices. The guide was largely developed by IATA Cabin Operations Safety Task Force formed from airline experts with input from operators and government bodies. This IATA guide will cover the following key topics: Cabin design and operation, Equipment, Procedures, Crew training, Human Performance and Passenger management.

What’s new?


The latest revision provides updates to existing procedures as well as comprehensive new guidance for:

  • Carriage of lithium batteries in the cabin
  • Lithium battery firefighting procedures
  • Evacuation of passengers with disabilities, pets and animals

Additionally, you’ll find information about:


  • Cabin Crew (Cabin Crew Medical Standards, Crew Resource Management (CRM), Threat and Error Management (TEM), Cabin Crew Training)
  • Safety Management (Safety Management (SMS) in Cabin Operations, SMS Training, Safety Risk Management, Safety Reporting, Cabin operations during a pandemic public health emergency)
  • Fatigue Risk Management (Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS), Cabin Crew Fatigue)
  • Communication (Chain of Command, Signals and Commands, Cabin Crew Communications)
  • Carriage of Special Category Passengers (Deportees, Prisoners, Persons in Custody and under Administrative Control, Unaccompanied Minors, Passengers with Disabilities (PWD))

Cabin Policies and Procedures

  • Operator Policies (In-flight Entertainment (IFE) Systems, Carry-On Baggage, Pets in the Passenger Cabin)
  • Flight Readiness Procedures (Pre-flight, Departure, In-flight, Descent and Landing, Arrival)
  • Abnormal and Emergency Procedures (Management of Emergencies, Cabin Pressurization, Emergency Evacuations)

Cabin Design and Operations

  • Safety Equipment and Systems (Preflight Checks, Emergency Locator transmitters, Life Vests/Jackets and Floatation Devices, Passenger Safety Information Cards, Portable Oxygen Bottles, Aircraft door safety)
  • Security (Suspicious Items Discovered Onboard, Unruly Passengers, Theft on Board)
  • Health and Medical Care on Board (Carriage of passengers who may require supplemental oxygen during flight, emergency Equipment and Supplies)
  • Food and Hygiene (Food Safety, Allergen Management)


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