Air transport is a key enabler of economic activity in Portugal
It supports 322,000 jobs and contributes EUR 12.3 billion to the Portuguese economy, which is equivalent to 6.6% of Portuguese GDP.
Main Industry Priorities
- Airport capacity
- Cost-based and cost effective airport and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) charges
- Airspace optimization
Policy Recommendations
- Address urgent Lisbon constraints by increasing operational efficiency and capacity at Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport while also converting nearby Montijo Air Base to civilian use under a transparent and inclusive consultation process with all stakeholders
- Continuously protect the interests of the end users, mainly in economic activities that are natural monopolies, such as airport management and air traffic services provision, ensuring cost-based and cost-effective charges and transparent and meaningful consultation process
- Implement National Airspace Strategy involving multiple stakeholders, from the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), airports and airlines, to politicians, military authorities, regulators and local communities, in order to deliver economic improvements, more choice, greater flight frequency, and lower costs for everyone.
- Read the full report for Portugal (pdf)
- Translation Competitividade do Transporte Aéreo em Portugal (pdf)