Airline Sales Maximization Diploma



About the diploma

4 courses to be completed in 3 years

IATA Diploma in Airline Sales Maximization aviation training

The IATA Diploma in Airline Sales Maximization provides the platform to effectively develop the skills and knowledge required to achieve major commercial KPIs. It focuses on e-commerce and revenue generation channels, highlights the value potential of customer segmentation and personalization, and outlines up-sell and cross-sell best practices through various airline product retailing, distribution and sales activities. Airline sales revenue generation capabilities and needs have evolved over time with changes in the market dynamics, availability of new technologies and shifting customer profile and behavior. The ability of every airline to effectively and cost-efficiently leverage its sales and distribution channels to maximize sales revenue has become a paramount contributing factor with significant P&L impact potential.

Download the Outline

Diploma code: DIPL-15

What you will learn

Upon completion of this diploma you will be able to:

  • Segment your target markets and develop a long-term relationship with your customers
  • Explore the latest commercial trends and factors to consider when creating your e-commerce strategy
  • Generate and follow up on leads to increase passenger traffic and sales
  • Master the sales process, negotiate and close complex sales transactions
  • Implement an efficient distribution strategy, leveraging e-commerce resources and current day distribution models

Key Topics

  • Revenue generation channels
  • Customer segmentation and personalization
  • Up-sell and cross-sell best practices
  • Technology and E-commerce capabilities
  • Sales conversion rate optimization
  • Best practices in sales and negotiation
  • Customer acquisition methodologies
  • Customer targeting and engagement
  • Maximizing ancillary revenue streams
  • High revenue value account management
  • Airline product retailing and distribution

Who should attend

  • Ancillary revenue/ product managers
  • E-commerce and website/app professionals
  • Sales and marketing professionals
  • Key account and sales managers
  • Business development managers
  • Pricing and revenue managers


Candidates must complete 2 Required courses and 2 Elective courses within three years.

A passing mark of 70% is required on all assignments and exams. A special distinction is awarded to candidates who obtain a distinction in all, or all but one, of all course exams and assignments that make up this Diploma.

How to obtain your diploma

  1. Complete all 2 Required and 2 selected Elective courses that make up the Diploma, within 3 years.
  2. Please contact us on our Customer Portal to request your diploma, stating the title of the diploma you are applying for and the list of courses you completed for that diploma.
  3. IATA Training will issue your diploma upon verification of your eligibility.

To receive the diploma candidates must complete

  • 2 Required courses
  • 2 Elective courses

Required courses

Elective courses

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Airline Business Diversification: Generating Ancillary Revenues (classroom)

Learn how ancillary sales work, the impact on airline and distribution systems, and how to develop ancillary revenue.

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Airline Business Foundations with Management Game (classroom)

If you’re a new airline recruit or an aviation company with airline clients, this course will bring you up to speed on key airline business practices to help you succeed in the industry.

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Airline Leading Practices and Cost Reduction Strategies (classroom)

Review the leading practices of successful airlines from both the low cost and network carrier sectors. Learn procedures to maintain a viable cost reduction program within your organization.

  • English
  • Español
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Airline Marketing (classroom)

Marketing concepts for customer acquisition and retention, including: commercial strategy development, product management, market research techniques and distribution channels.

  • English
  • Español
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Cargo Marketing and Advertising (classroom)

Examine cargo demand and create marketing solutions for your target market; strategize creative and cost-effective marketing.

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Cargo Sales and Key Account Management (classroom)

Gain a wide range of tools and techniques to develop a strategic sales plan in a competitive air cargo industry.

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International Negotiation Skills (classroom)

Enhance your negotiation skills in the global aviation industry with IATA’s International Negotiation Skills course

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